just as i predicted un able to reason, be objective to take another perspective.
And now you are attacking me because I dared to disagree with your falsehoods.
So ur saying I should of accepted that evidence given to me as fact?
The evidence, yes. More to the point you need to understand how science works, understand that it does not claim to offer complete and infallible knowledge about everything, understand how it copes with the limitations of the evidence available.
For instance you may think Physics is simple and factual, but nobody knows how to make General Relativity work with Quantum Mechanics. The two theories are hugely successful but where they intersect the experts really don't know what happens.
But neither theory is disproved by this - scientists accept that they work in the domains where they work, while some specialists keep plugging away at the problem.
Likely neither theory is exactly right, but in practically every case you they will be so close as makes no difference - only very extreme cases will be that far out. Just as Newtonian mechanics is good enough for nearly all practical cases on Earth, so that you'll probably never need to know either Relativity or Quantum Mechsnics.