He can't be because there is no similarity between them.
There are abundant similarities.
The thing is, there are written histories....
Way to miss the point. There are histories of Judaism and Christianity which point to them taking deities and ideas from other religions. When we point them out, you say 'not according to the Bible'. So which is it - are we allowed to use histories, in which case we can criticize your religion in similar ways you criticize Islam - or are we not allowed to use histories, in which case you can't criticize Islam the way that you want?
Mohammed created Islam that show how he took the moon god called Allah, main god in the pantheon at Mecca
It seems you can't even get the revisionist history right.
The moon God was called Sin.
Message 5 of
Does Allah = Moon God?. As the Quran explicitly says: "Do not prostrate before the sun, nor the moon". Christian Arabs call the Christian God, Allah.
And the symbol of Islam, the crescent moon, retains that original derivation.
No. The crescent moon didn't become connected to Islam in any particular way until around the fall of Constantinople. It was also linked with the Sumerians, the Sasanids and the Christians. It didn't become strongly tied to Islam until the 18th Century when the Ottoman empire started to use it as their flag and it didn't become the symbol for 'Islam' in general until the 20th Century - particularly in 1970s with the rise of Arab nationalism.
There is an open thread on this whole topic from antiquity:
YHWH, Yahweh, Jehovah, adonai, lord, elohim, god, allah, Allah thread. where this will be more on topic. This thread is about differences between radical Islam and just Islam.