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Author | Topic: A Believers Critique Of The Humanist Manifesto | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
Phat writes: Everything that I have read from Biblical Christians (who critics call conservative,uninformed, and in a realm of fantasy versus reality) indicates that the world will by and large reject all forms of organized religion due to the fundamentalist oppressive nature of its tenets and will embrace a form of belief in the human animal and our collective potential known as secular humanism. And if that should happen, where is the problem? Speaking as a Christian and Theist, the evidence seems to show that overall, membership in some religious organization is still relatively common and strong but where is the problem if religions were abandoned?
Phat writes: What does the evidence show us regarding international relations, global finance, the steady decline of the United States both morally and financially, and the rise of false religion the world over? Well the evidence show us that international relations have never been as peaceful and cooperative as they are today. Nor is there any evidence of a decline of the United States morally or financially. The most common false religion today seems to be "Biblical Evangelical Fundamentalist Christianity" perhaps followed at a great distance by Radical Fundamentalist Islam.
Phat writes: Or are the Christian literalists right? Are we all doomed to a bleak future by our actions of rejecting God and seeking to deify ourselves as the ultimate source of wisdom and logic? You have not shown how rejecting any god or acknowledging humanity as the source of wisdom and logic might be a problem or how there could be any other source of wisdom and logic than humans.My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
Phat writes: The sad thing is, you would probably agree with them on this, jar. And to say that you are a Christian! You have denied Christ in favor of logic, reason, and reality. Its ironic that the so-called reality you embrace is but an illusion in the grand scheme of things. The humanists will, however someday find out that they were wrong all along. The Holy Spirit trumps any sort of scientific "spirit" mentioned. Try telling the truth for a change Phat and stop lying.
Phat writes: This one isn't so bad. The only danger I see in this affirmation is to state that man is no more special or unique than any other animal. It is quite obvious that no other animal has approached our level of development. God appeared to us as a man. Not a dolphin. Not a Bird. Not an alien. I see no problem with a cautious belief and acknowledgement of biological evolution...provided that ancient religious beliefs are not simply discarded wholesale as human ignorance. There is much that the scientific mind of today cannot prove nor disprove regarding spirituality. Absence of evidence should never conclude evidence of absence. Humans wrote the stories in the Bibles and wrote them for humans and so of course the characters in the stories are humans. What is wrong with disregarding ancient religious beliefs? You disregard almost all ancient religious beliefs. You disregard Thor and Zeus and Apollo and Coyote and Ganesha and Ra and Anubus and Ma'at and Eros and Uranus and Shiva and Brahma as well as literally thousands of other ancient gods and religious beliefs. You discard Islam and Judaism and Taoism and Confucianism and Zoroastrianism and Hinduism and Buddism and Shintoism as well as the German and Norse and English and Celtic pagan religions.
Phat writes: I would agree except to state that God was made man in order to interact with humanity and that even though this is only a belief it is not fair or proper to reject this belief. After all, who made the humanists any sort of final authority on belief? The same folk that made you a final authority Phat.
Phat writes: Right here says it all. They have declared themselves in opposition to Theism. And what is wrong with that? You go on and on echoing your disagreement but you never present any support or reason or logic for why your position has any more merit than their position. Edited by jar, : forgot to include the paragraph where Phat again misrepresents my position and alleges facts not in evidence.My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Phat writes: jar writes: Some folks believe that there are many truths. I believe there is one truth. Some folks believe that there are many ways to believe and that it is arrogant to assume that one has the correct belief if such a thing exists. Perhaps I am arrogant, but I find it hard to compromise without weakening my basic stance. You disregard almost all ancient religious beliefs. You disregard Thor and Zeus and Apollo and Coyote and Ganesha and Ra and Anubis and Ma'at and Eros and Uranus and Shiva and Brahma as well as literally thousands of other ancient gods and religious beliefs. You discard Islam and Judaism and Taoism and Confucianism and Zoroastrianism and Hinduism and Buddhism and Shintoism as well as the German and Norse and English and Celtic pagan religions. Yet you disregard many ancient religious beliefs so what is wrong with disregarding one more?
Phat writes: jar writes: Quite likely I am, as Dr.A. suggests, a presuppositionalist. You go on and on echoing your disagreement but you never present any support or reason or logic for why your position has any more merit than their position. Which may well be true but offers nothing to support that position.My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
Phat writes: The United States won't like being displaced as global cop by a one world system. And where is the problem there? You are aware Phat that there are these things called Treaties? Next...From your quote:
quote: Compare that to the comment from The Rt. Rev. Bennett J. Sims, Episcopal Bishop of Atlanta in A Pastoral Statement on Creation and Evolution.
quote: Seems he agrees with the Manifesto position.
Phat writes: Jar,you have often mentioned responsibility as being the ingredient lacking in Biblical Christianity. Sounds like these humanists are preaching to a friendly choir here at EvC apart from dogmatic obstructionists such as myself! I simply try to repeat the Gospel Jesus preached. He preached responsibility and if you were honest you would realize that WE are responsible.
Phat writes: In other words, they would deride the basic Biblical Christian assumption of Original Sin. They do have a positive outlook, however. And rightly so since Original Sin is just a pitiful copout and the most profitable con game of all time.
Phat writes: And how will terrorism suddenly go away? How will that problem be solved? No God ever solved terrorism, only humans can solve terrorism.My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Some background.
I am a lifelong theist and Christian who is a member of one of the larger recognized sects. Phat and I have been having this same discussion now for over a decade and there is a suggestion I have often made that relates to the second paragraph of your post. Ask Phat what I keep telling him to throw away.My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
But again, what is The Need For Divine Intervention?
My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Phat writes: You can answer your own question by answering this: What is the need for a second coming? Actually no, that don't help. Is there a need for a second coming or is that just another example only pertinent to a particular subset of dogma? So again, what is The Need For Divine Intervention?My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Phat writes: And to answer your question, Divine Intervention is needed if humans fail. Why is Divine Intervention needed even in that situation? Isn't it better to say "Human's, don't keep screwing this up?" And even if we look at the Bible stories, none talk about God stepping in and making things right but lots of the stories talk about God saying "You keep screwing up you gonna suffer!".
Phat writes: In the past, the nation itself would repent and pray for Divine Intervention. And in the past there are no examples of God listening and intervening. Only humans do that.
Phat writes: These days its hard telling what people would do. Thank God more and more people are saying "Well it's our responsibility to deal with the problems and not expect God to fix them!"My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
What exactly does the picture you posted have to do with what I said?
My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Phat writes: You don't get it? Shall I say thats pitiful? Yup, I don't get it and what is pitiful?My Sister's Website: Rose Hill Studios
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
Again Phat, let me say what I believe.
Phat writes: Gnostic Humanist Christianity---aligned with a new pacifist Islam and other former global religions...seems like a great idea but again, as i have said before...only if jars belief that there is no such thing as Original Sin is proven true. In which case jar would be right in that there is no need for Divine Intervention nor a Second Coming. He believes that WE humans are ultimately responsible. And think about what you write. If humans are not ultimately responsible then God is responsible for all the problems. Or God is unable to successfully oppose some other force or unwilling to. That makes God a royal asshole. But what I actually say is that even if Original Sin were real it is irrelevant. We are still responsible for what we do. The great con is selling the idea that some belief or act or payment can mediate the effects of Original Sin. And it is both a very successful con as well as an absolutely legal con; bettern the lottery. It is selling the idea that God or Jesus will assume your debts. But the reality is that there is no evidence that God has actively intervened in the past.
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
Phat writes: As you know, conservative Christians warn this to be an omen of a false global religion. Why should the beliefs of conservative Christians be anything but comedic relief?
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined:
Phat writes: Aren't YOU a Christian? and now that I think of it...aren't you conservative also? I am a Christian. I am a conservative, but not a raving lunatic fascist conservative which seems the norm in today's Republican cabal.
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Let's see if the Mosque and Temple and Satanist Cabal are given the same funding.
jar Member (Idle past 165 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Faith writes: Trust jar to be sure we have lots of wolves in the hen house. We live in the US faith. If public money are used to fund a Christian School playground then the local Madrassa has exactly the same rights to public funds. Religious Freedom means the Muslim Faith must be treated like the Christian Faith. Jewish Faith must be treated like the Christian Faith. Satanist Faith must be treated like the Christian Faith. Buddhist Faith must be treated like the Christian Faith. Hindu Faith must be treated like the Christian Faith. Thank God!
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