Why don't you ask a Statistics Professor?
Why? Do you think the question is such that only an advanced statistican could answer it? No shame on crashfrog, in that case.
But anyway, please post the answer, as I want to take it next door to my neighbor who happens to be a Stats Prof. at a major accredited university boasting of over 47,000 FULL-TIME enrollment!!!
If he exists, he has my deepest sympathy.
Interesting that I even took two of his stats classes.
Then why don't
you post the answer? Were you not paying attention during your neighbour's classes? Or is the question such that only an advanded statistician could answer it? Perhaps by
took his stats classes you mean that you found his lecture notes when scavenging in his trash?
And not once in this thread have I seen any argument come close to containing the language consisent with that of Statistical Analysis I heard in my stats classes.
Ah, so you did attend them? Still, hearing is not understanding, dear child.
The bell tolls here even for knot-it-all John.
My, my: quite the
independant mind, if not very
Nevertheless, I can't wait to print this thread out and show it to my neighbor.
You should do so, next time you climb the hill from your trailer park to clean his pool. And do ask him to join the forum so we can read his reply.