I hope there's a one liner of the month for May LOL
Poor Applehead/Ten-IQ/Zephspam/Inquisi-clueless...did you go off your ritalin today?
This tickled my funny bone! LOL
It reminded me of a lesson I gave to 30 plus 14 years olds at a high school where 5 of the class were on ritalin.
It was bedlam when I got to the classroom, and only after a few minutes of 'mock anger' did I manage to settle them. Then I said 'Ok, today we are going to look at the Life of Christ' LOL my God. all hell broke loose, mostly from the ritalin 5.
Inquisitor's wee rant is very similar to a kid who has forgot to take his ritalin.
LOL , good one Mammuthus!
Best Wishes
[This message has been edited by Brian Johnston, 05-05-2003]