It looks like scores of nicely detailed specific fulfilled Biblical prophecies. It looks like Ballard's recent discovery of man made things deep in the Black Sea. It looks like the extinction of the dinosaurs. It looks like man made articles found in coal beds. It looks like sea fossils high in the mountain ranges. It looks like modern extreme weather patterns, the industrial revolution and so on. Like I say, it's all in how you interpret what you see.
Lets go over these.
1) There are no detailed specific prophecies in the bible that require supernatural explanation
2) Ballards discovery does not support supernatural intervention in any way. At most it would indicate that the flooding of the Black Sea (a LOCAL flood - the water is still there !) inspired the Biblical Flood myth. So if you want to take Ballard's work as supporting your views then you have to give up the idea that the Flood story is literally true.
3) The alleged discoveries of man made items in coal beds are all anecdotal and mostly old. It is entirely possible that they are hoaxes.
4) The sea fossils found in mountain ranges are all adequately explained by geology (mainly uplift). For which we have evidence.
As for the rest I have no idea how you could interpret those as evidence for the supernatural at all.
SO none of the items you listed are clear evidence of the supernatural - and item 2) in particular requires rejecting one of your supernatural beliiefs in favour of a naturalistic explanation.
Imo, the dating methods are flawed, failing to factor the flood.
THere is no reason to suppose that the flood would affect the dating at all. What you mean is that since you dislike the results you are looking for excuses to explain them away. However the flood cannot explain the actual results.
As for your definition it was not an accurate description of the CONTENT of that theory - simply an expression of your opinions. Some "scientists" might prefer it - but on the grounds that it supported their religious views - not because your definition has any scientific merit.