1. According to the Father there HAD to be the shedding of the blood of Jesus. The sacrificial lamb of the OT could not be strangled, etc. It had to have the blood shed. Jesus became the once and for all sacrificial lamb sacrifice. Why? Because, say the scriptures, "the life is in the blood." Hebrews 9:22 "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission." (of sins)
2. God does nothing important on earth, except he reveals it to his prophets first. Why? So you all and I can know this is of the true god, the supernatural god and not the false gods. So the mode of death MUST follow in line with what was foretold.
In Psalms 22:15-18 (about 1000 BC) David prophesied the messianic cross; "They pierced my hands and my feet. I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me. "They part my garments among them and cast lots upon my vesture." This all, clearly describes the crucifixion. The prophet Zachariah, about 400 BC prophesied the piercing of the messiah as when the soldiers pierced his side. It's somewhere in Zechariah chapter 12. There's other OT prophecies to this effect such as in Isaiah, etc.