can you please provide an example of complex, specified information that is the product of natural law or chance, or any combination of the two, including natural selection?
How about the famous face on mars? It's just the product of erosion and shadows, but it looks a whole bunch like a face. Would that constitute as speciffic information?
How about clouds that look like stuff in general?
Also, I have a question for you. What is chance? In another thread we were pointing out how it dosn't truely exist in the phisical realm. That is, if I throw a pair of dice and I get double sixes, that wasn't so much chance as all the factors that went into the throw. Say, speed, wind resistance, shape of the board, etc. If I could manage to throw the dice in precisely the same way again, I would achive the same result.
Thus anything on this earth weather clouds or life, are not so much a product of chance as they are the results of a long chain of cause and effect.
[This message has been edited by Yaro, 03-10-2004]