'And the rather high price for entrees.'
what do you mean by this?
entrees = (plural form of) dish served before the main course at a restaurant.
price = money or other consideration for which a thing is bought or sold.
high = of great or specified upward extent. Adjective modifying the noun "price".
Context: the statement refers to the preceding sentence and the allusion to a restaurant. It was offered as an additional reason to not believe in the existence of a restaurant at the end of the universe. However it offers a paradox because knowledge of the existence of entrees, and their price, from an argued non-existent restaurant would be evidence for the existence of such a restaurant. Therefore the evidence offered is contrary to the position which it was given as support for.
In summary, it was a joke.
So, take up the challenge of providing the proof or evidence against the existence of the restaurant at the end of the universe. If evidence or proof is of no interest to you, why don't you also believe in the restaurant at the end of the universe? I have told you about it, do you believe it exists?