The point however, remains, that the fossil record is in agreement with creation, and rebuffs evolution.
Au contraire.
What's the creationist explanation for the biological assemblage zones in the Beaufort Group of the Karoo Sequence?
You can find out more about them starting at
Karoo Supergroup - Wikipedia
It goes like this from bottom (1) to top (7):
1. Dinocephalian.
2. Pristerognathus-Diictodon
3. Tropidostoma-Endothiodon
4. Aulacephalodon-Cistecepthalus
5. Dicynodon Lacerticeps- Whaitsia
6. Lystrosaurus-Thrinaxodon
7. Kannemeyeria-Diademodon
It goes from the Permian Adelaide subgroup (bottom) to the Triassic Tarkastad subgroup (top).
Oh, and don't even try to find a creationist 'explanation' for them. They haven't even tried yet, apart from claiming some vague references to a magical Fluddy.
And also be very careful in explaining those jaw bones, from a creationist 'worldview'. Jaw bones don't get 'hydrologically sorted' not even without the rest of the fossils...
Oh, and if you want it, I can privately send you copies (if the mods allow it) of the pages of where I got my information from . Pages 535 to 548 of
South African Committee for Stratigraphy (SACS), 1980. Stratigraphy of South Africa. Part 1 (Comp. L.E. Kent). Lithostratigraphy of the Republics of South Africa, South West Africa (Namibia), and the Republics of Bophutatswana, Transkei and Venda: Handb. geol. Surv. S. Afr., 8
In it there's also a whole list of peer-reviewd geological and palaeontoloical articles on the subject (at least 78 direct references). I can also send you more than 30 more recent references on the subject. Your pick.
Edited by Pressie, : Changed the references.