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Author | Topic: The fossile record conclusively disproves evolution | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Modulous Member (Idle past 277 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined:
So you quote Niles and Gould, two evolutionists, as support for your position that evolution is disproved. Did that not strike you as odd? That the people you are quoting concluded the exact opposite than you have seems to suggest they know or at least believe something you don't, right? But your debate opening simply does not include discussion of this, as if you were ignorant of it somehow.
But this is unusual, as these ideas have been known and accepted for decades. Did you earnestly think we were unaware of these things? If not, why did you not tackle modern evolutionary thinking as part of building your case? Punctuated equilibrium is an attack not on evolution, but on something akin to phyletic gradualism. quote: (from wiki) As Darwin said:
quote: Eldredge and Gould just really nailed this idea down (though they were mostly under the impression that biologists were strict phyletic gradualists which may have had some limited truth to it), that's all. Their model basically supposes that one large population gets split somehow (getting stuck on an island, in an isolated rock pool or what have you). The chance of any individual being fossilized is low. It is therefore true that we are more likely to find fossils left behind of the large population than of the smaller one. But biologists have done a good job of showing that mutations are more likely to become fixed in smaller populations. So that would seem to indicate that smaller populations, if they survive long enough, are able to evolve quicker toward some solution. If this isolated area has specific demands that the other lacks in some way, we would anticipate the comparative rapid adaptation of the smaller population (as compared with the rate of change of the large population). Let us suppose this process continues for a long time, but then circumstance reunite the two populations. They are now quite different morphologically and genetically and cannot interbreed. They are thus competitors. This may play out in a number of ways, but let us consider the outcome where the smaller population acts as an invasive species and is better adapted at life in the large populations environment than they are. Then as we know from introducing invasive species ourselves, they can completely decimate the native species within a few years possibly driving them to extinction or to leave their old haunts, if they are able. The chances that any fossils exist of this changing population? Lower than the chances of fossils from the larger one. The chances that we'll find the fossils? Much greater with the larger population. But at the end - the sizes of the populations effectively invert. And now 'suddenly' the new species starts getting fossilized more often as there are more opportunities. And so, educated guesses into where to look for fossils are more likely to strike upon this new population which seems to 'suddenly' appear in the fossil record. If you were interested, these kinds of processes do have mathematical models around them, you could go look some of them up. Disproving phyletic gradualism as the normal mode of evolution does not falsify evolution. Which is why most evolutionary biologists accept evolution but do not accept phyletic gradualism. Rates of morphological change are not constant, as the rates depend on complex contingencies. The chances of us finding fossils is related to the number of fossils there are, and the area we're searching over. Small isolated populations leave less fossils in a smaller area making coming across them quite improbable. Therefore - we should expect to see new paleo-species 'appear' quite suddenly in our limited fossil record if evolution works how we believe it does.
Modulous Member (Idle past 277 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined:
So you'd be happy with us taking a snippet of something you said, and making it appear that you are taking the opposite stance from what you have. You wouldn't complain that your words are being twisted or anything, as long as what you said has implications for evolutionist/atheist views then that would be a perfectly valid strategy?
After all, did Faith not concede that faith was discredited?
Modulous Member (Idle past 277 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined:
No, I would not be happy about that, and no, that is not what I'm doing. Typical. I write 1200 words directly to you describing why you are wrong, and you respond to this short piece of rhetoric to someone else.
I give exact quotes, nothing changed about them, You are not being accused of changing them, you are being accused of asserting they are saying something they are not (OK, I will accuse you of perpetuating a dishonest edit to the text later on). You asserted they are saying 'NO evolution, but sudden appearance and stasis. ', but instead what they are saying is 'not normally gradual evolution, but punctuated by comparatively long periods of stasis' - which is a possibility Darwin acknowledged 100 years prior to Gould.
nothing distorted, and what those quotes say, and what those evolutionists say, is that the fossil record shows the opposite of evolution, namely STASIS, and sudden appearance without any link with supposed predecessors. No they don't. Which is why the paleontologists you quoted actually accept, as a fact, that life on earth has changed over time. Indeed, even creationists before Darwin thought that life on earth changed over time (catastrophism - there were several creation events separated by catastrophes, Noah's being the latest.) As I have already explained (and a token amount research on your part would confirm) that the punctuated equilibrium evident in the fossil record disconfirms phyletic gradualism as the normal mode of evolution. It does not disprove evolution, it confirms it, as those same people you quote say elsewhere. See Message 8 for more details.
And those are the simple facts. You evo's better get used to them. Your quotes are about as old as I am. I am probably more familiar with them than you and have long grown 'used' to them. Its funny how creationists think they can disprove a scientific theory by selectively quoting people talking about it. Its this urge to find the right chapter and verse to show it is all nonsense. But that's not how we really go about establishing facts. If Darwin can be quoted as having written 'Evolution is just a parlour game me and Emily used to play that got out of hand', that still would not disprove evolution. You need to refer to the actual evidence and make inferences from that.
The fossil record flatly contradicts Darwin, and is fully in line with creation. Hahaha. No, it doesn't contradict Darwin. Not in any important ways. It obviously contradicts some things he said, but anybody writing anything based on the fossil record in the 19th century has been wrong about something. It relentlessly confirms evolution, and disconfirms a singular special creation with a singular near extinction event.
quote:Gould -A Quahog is a Quahog Oh look,there's that same paleontologist/evolutionist saying NOT that there is NO evolution but that change is a rapid transition between stable states. Strange, almost what we've been telling you is this paleontologist's position all along.
quote: Gould again, emphasis mine. Once more it is clear from his words here that he is not saying that there is NO evolution. Instead he is saying there is NO gradualism Exactly what I said earlier, right? That's from the Panda's Thumb. Isn't that something you quoted from in your OP? Where is that quote in the essay? That important piece of context that blows your reading out of the water? Oh yeah, its right in the middle of the bit you quoted, but you neglected to quote that bit. Academic honesty and all, it's your responsibility to check your quotes at the original where feasible, rather than relying on websites. Let's look at what you quoted:
quote: Where did my quote come from, giving his argument the important context that he's not talking about NO evolution but (generally) NO gradualism? Oh yeah, my quote is where those ellipsis (in red) towards the end are. Sir, I charge you with dishonestly removing important context that completely undermines what you think these people are saying. Indeed, I was able to find this whole section on google books So take a look and tell me these are the words of someone who would hold the belief 'the fossil record shows NO evolution'. Edited by Modulous, : No reason given. Edited by Modulous, : No reason given.
Modulous Member (Idle past 277 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined: |
Message 5 is still unanswered . It was 'answered' in Message 31. I'll save you the click through if you like: It is made up or its fraudulent. Yep, it's that good. 'Real' paleontologists know that Eliyahu is right.
Modulous Member (Idle past 277 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined:
The simple facts are: The fossil record shows that evolution never happened. The fossil record shows that life has not changed over time? Interesting. So you can show that humans show up throughout the fossil record? That rabbits lived at the same time as Isoxys? That lifeforms prior to the K-T boundary are identical to those after? Because that's not a simple fact, is it?
It shows the opposite of evolution, namely sudden appearance of new species without any linkage to supposed predecessors, and then during their whole stay in the fossil record STASIS, non-change. No, that would not be the opposite of evolution. Evolution states that life has changed over time. New species appearing and existing species going extinct is a change in life on earth over time.
After science lied to the public for about 150 years, Gould and Eldredge had the courage to risk it all by pointing that out to the world, and they made up the PE theory, so that people could keep on hanging on to the evolution theory. And Gould and Eldredge, far from angering the scientific world for exposing their lies, were regarded highly for the rest of their lives and beyond. The worst critic of theirs (such as Dawkins) was more or less saying that they didn't propose anything all that revolutionary from biologist's perspective. How do you explain the fossil record then? Does god change life over time by occasionally magicking/moulding them into existence? Could you give a detailed account of how this happens that is in accordance with established knowledge of the universe? Because Gould and Eldredge managed to disprove gradualism as the normal mode of evolution using reason and evidence. I know you've confused gradualism and evolution, but nothing in evolutionary theory necessitates phyletic gradualism for it to work no matter what you say.
But of course, it still is an enormous blamage for both science and the evolution theory, so evo's can't handle it very well when you show them the facts. That's a nice narrative you've constructed. I'm sure it confirms what you believed all along and everything, right? How have we handled it poorly? Should we have taken a look at facts we have been aware of for years and suddenly bow to your superior copy-paste skills? It's not like you've provided much in the way of argument here is it? Your opening post was a series of quotes and a declaration of victory. Since then you've simply been repeating the position that the quotes give you victory without addressing any of the evidence of the fossil record itself, what mode evolution must take based on using reason applied to the modern theory and so on. You've done no decent work in proving your claims of conclusively disproving evolution by reference to the fossil record, as you've not actually referenced the fossil record. Just quotes. Quotes don't disprove theories.
When you show them the exact statements of high profile evolutionists, they say that you are a liar by just repeating their statements. You didn't just repeat their statements, you said untrue things based on them. For instance 'the fossil record conclusively disproves evolution' which is not what the 'high profile' evolutionists said at all.
It shows the opposite of evolution, namely sudden appearance of new species without any linkage to supposed predecessors, and then during their whole stay in the fossil record STASIS, non-change. What would count as 'linkage' that was sufficient for you to conclude that evolution occurred by means of descent with modification? Is this sufficient? Is the fact that the ear structure of pakicetus is unique to extant whales/dolphins sufficient linkage? How about this?
Modulous Member (Idle past 277 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined:
So what you are trying to say is, all those big evolutionists like Gould, Eldredge, and all the others mentioned HERE, who say with one voice that the fossil record shows only STASIS, and not evolution, they are all wrong, and only you are right. All those guys are talking about evolution of paleo-species and gradualism. As we've all been trying to tell you. Not evolution life as a whole. We've tackled some of the quotes. Let's look at some key parts of the others
quote: quote: quote: quote: quote: quote: quote: quote: quote: quote: All these guys were talking about their case against gradualism and the like. So really, all we have is a debate about the rate of evolution. Is it constant and very slow, or is it comparatively fast with periods of morphological stability?
If the fossil record showed species turning into other species, who would need PE? You mean, if the evidence was different we'd come to different conclusions? We're so awful.
But, like I said, the fossil record is totally in line with creation, and disproves evolution. What do you mean? That no matter where we look in the fossil record, all we see are modern species? Edited by Modulous, : No reason given.
Modulous Member (Idle past 277 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined:
So what you are saying is: Gould, Eldredge, and all other evolutionists cited in my quotes they are wrong when they say that the fossil record shows STASIS, and not evolution. Have you considered that you may be wrong in understanding them? Why is it that those that interpret them as you do are so overwhelmingly Abrahamic in their faith? Do you think there might be a pattern? Edited by Modulous, : No reason given.
Modulous Member (Idle past 277 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined:
For the record, let it be noted that you cannot give any support for your notion that the context of the quotes alters the meaning of the quotes. No - it just alters your interpretation of the quotes. The quotees disagree with the position you are trying to defend: That the fossil record COMPLETELY disproves evolution. That there is NO evolution. The quotes don't say anything about this. They just talk about the history of evolution as being mostly morphological stasis. And that's what the full context tells us. They aren't saying this disproves evolution (your claim) but that this disproves gradualism as the normal mode of evolution. Something you have failed to address. We're nearly 150 posts in and you haven't provided any evidence for your debate position. Just some quotes which don't support it. It's not looking good, but there's still time!
So they didn't dare to stand up and tell the truth, but instead they half heatedly vaguely mumbled something about evolution, because if they would not have, their careers and jobs would have been on the line. Here you are admitting that they don't agree with your debate thesis. You say they are not telling the truth. So what is the truth? What evidence do you have that actually verifies this is true?
So here we have Eldredge, who loudly and clearly admits that "science" has been lying to the public for more than hundred years. Let's call it a lie. A lie about what? Gradualism. It is disputed that people lied about gradualism, but let's just go with it for the moment. Does this show that evolution is disproved? No.
Also this only strengthens my point, it goes into more detail about Darwin being troubled by the fossil record. Why was Darwin troubled by the fossil record? Because he realised that it shows the oppostite of evolution. What is your evidence that Darwin was troubled because he realised it showed the opposite of evolution? The quote was talking about gradualism, not evolution. Where have you got this idea from?
No less than eight times in his "Origen of Species" he tells us to ignore the fossil record, because it does not confirm to his theory. Really?
I don't portray their meaning in a false way, and my usage of them is not a lie. But you haven't provided any evidence that the science is wrong.
Why do evo's react on citations of high calibre evolutionsts like a bull on a red rag? Because we've been doing this for years, and the same quotes are used to imply people are saying things they are not. To the point where at least one of the authors quoted spoke publically against the practice. You are implying what they say is a problem for evolution. Yet it is not. You also plagiarised these people, which is the among the worst intellectual crimes you can commit in debate and thesis building, and then didn't aplogize when you were caught. So yeah, we're going gore you for these kinds of things.
Why do they start foaming at the mouth and get a red haze in front of their eyes when they are confronted with the facts of life? You haven't provided any facts of life, just quotes from people. You've studiously avoided talking about the actual physical facts of the universe - instead chosen to talk about your interpretation of authors and how they lie to keep their jobs whenever they say something that disagrees with your thesis. Let's talk about the facts of life shall we? Does the fossil record show that life on earth has changed as time as progressed? Or does the fossil record show that the life in lowest and therefore oldest strata is identical in composition to extant modern life (with some allowances for 'change within a baramin')? Don't let that red haze stop you! Confront this fact of life.
The anser is of course, because they realise that that rips apart there dearly held believe system, that all we really are is animals, and we can do whatever we feel like, without having to give a reckoning to a Higher Authority. Ah - so there it is. We're the immoral animalistic primitives. Got it.Actually I don't believe we can do whatever we feel like, without reckoning. If I murdered someone there is a decent chance that the Higher Authority would cause me to lose friends, family and my liberty. That Higher Authority is society, the social contract, the justice system etc. It doesn't claim perfection, but does have the advantage of being something I can provide evidence for, were I to be arguing in favour of it in a debate. Can you demonstrate that the fossil record CONCLUSIVELY disproves evolution? OR can you only show that quotes can be disputably interpreted to question the motives of scientists and look like evolution faces a problem?
Modulous Member (Idle past 277 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined:
And stasis is not "the history of evolution", it is the history of NON-evolution. Periods of morphological stasis is part of the history of life, just as much as the periods of change.
For the truth I have the professional opinion of many big shot paleontologists. They all agree that the fossil record shows the opposite of evolution. No. You have them saying it shows the opposite of gradualism.
So here we have Eldredge, who loudly and clearly admits that "science" has been lying to the public for more than hundred years.
Let's call it a lie. A lie about what? Nope. I told you the answer, the person you quoted gave you the answer. Try again.
What is your evidence that Darwin was troubled because he realised it showed the opposite of evolution? His book The Origin of Species. Where in his book? In there he warns the reader 8 times not to look at the fossil record, because it does not support his theory. You said this twice without supporting it. I've read it and I don't remember him saying that. It's freely available on line, why don't you find him doing this and quote it to me along with the edition and chapter number. Thanks.
We are no 170 posts into this debate, and NOBODY could show one quote where the meaning was different. They were talking about gradualism being wrong not evolution. Many of us have shown this.
The fact that the fossil record shows the opposite of evolution is a BIG problem for evolution. Except that isn't a fact.
And you don't believe that what this big evolutionistic scientist say about the fossil record is a fact? You believe they are lying? Or just plain wrong? You know better?? I believe THEM. I don't believe YOU when you say the fossil record completely disproves evolution.
It just happens to be so that this discussion is about the fossil record, not about the universe. Fun fact: Fossils are in the universe. Thus facts about fossils, are facts about our universe.
I don't interprete them, I just show what they themselves say. Namely that there is NO evolution to be found in the fossil record. You see that last sentence there? That's your interpretation. I see you weren't aware you doing it, so I thought I'd help you out.
It shows that life didn't change since its creation, which is according to the evo's, about 500 million years ago Evos actually point to somewhere about 3.4 billion years ago, by the way. But you cite the Cambrian era. Can you find any modern fish or cetaceans co-existing with Cambrian flora/fauna in the fossil record?
You see, the facts fit creation like a glove, and are embarassing for evolution. Except the people you quote do not agree. Stefan said that the sudden diversificatin of marine life is the closest thing we have to creation stories. Not that the fossil record confirms creationism or disconfirms evolution.
Everything popped up 500 million years ago, with a bang, and no new species, no change, in 500 milion years! This is a claim, which if true, would win you the debate. So support it.
Well, you do think you're just an ape, right? Just an ape? Yeah, I'm just one of the most complex and interesting things known in the universe.
And an atheist who'll think he can have some illegal benefit with very little chance of getting caught, will do so. Why should he not? Not completely true. ANY human has a tendency towards criminality if the benefits outweigh the risks, what they believe is the highest authority does not seem to make much of a difference. The reason why he may not, though, is that he is a social animal and has evolved to mix strategies of cooperating with society and cheating society.
Think: "The Seflish Gene". Ah yes, the book that explains cooperative behaviour with recourse to genes which have no regard for others.
I have demonstrated that the fossil record shows the opposite of evolution, namely sudden appearance of species and stasis, non-change, non-evolution. I'm not sure how 'quote-wars' are supposed to work as I find them pointless. If I was to find quotes of people that said the fossil record shows evolution, would that make me win? Because really you've shown us that finely graded change does not show in the fossil record. That's all. But we've known that for a long time.
Modulous Member (Idle past 277 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined:
CHAPTER X. ON THE IMPERFECTION OF THE GEOLOGICAL RECORD. You admit Darwin is not telling us to ignore the fossil record. So when I said 'Really?' you should have said 'No, not really' and instead you didn't tell the truth and said 'Really.' I see you didn't support your claim that all life appeared suddenly 500 million years ago and that there has been no change to life, no new species, since then. I guess that wasn't true, either.
Modulous Member (Idle past 277 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined:
And then, suddenly, with a bang, there were all the major type of animals. Really new concepts did not pop up in 500 million years. What do you mean 'really new concepts' didn't turn up? Are you saying there were mammals in the Cambrian? Dinosaurs? Birds? Primates? What turned up in the Cambrian were primitive chordates, in actuality. So what we have there is this. Do you think that since this form was around no 'really new concepts' have evolved?
Like Dawkins says; there can be two explanations for this phenomenon: One is a faulty fossile record, the second is divine creation. How about 'certain organisms don't fossilize nearly as well as others', which is Dawkins' position:
quote: --The Greatest Show on Earth All you need to do, is to show that life on earth has not changed since the Cambrian. That will completely disprove evolution. Even if God created the phyla, that still does not discredit the notion that they have changed since the creation. Is that what you want to say 'that the baramin were approximately at the phyla level'? Presumably humans aren't chordata and we're in our own unique phylum? Are there any human fossilized remains in Cambrian aged rocks?
Modulous Member (Idle past 277 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined:
In your quote above and the repost of message 5 you appear to be telling me that P. ralstoni and P. trigonodus ( as an example)are not capable of interbreeding and producing viable offspring. There are a number of different working definitions of species, depending on context. For example, if we strictly and exclusively follow your definition there are no species of asexual reproducers at all! When examining ancient species, the idea of a paleospecies is formed. A paleospecies is defined basically as a group of organisms that vary within the norms of extant species. If they lived millions of years apart, that also helps define them as separate species, too. There is no TRUE definition of species. It's an arbitrary label we use as a tool to understanding and discussing nature.
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