When you get into demanding that the historic definition of marriage be altered to suit your tiny minority lifestyle and falsify its clear meaning over the millennia you have left the domain of natural rights and freedoms.
I too insist that marriage be kept to its millenia-old definition... the purchasing of a thirteen year old child-bride as property, for the purpose of squeezing out a few puppies to work on the family farm. (And, of course, get some free maid service out of the bargain.)
I have had it up to frikkin'
here with all this "it's about love and commitment" crap spouted off by people who want to change the definition of marriage.
"We had survived to turn on the History Channel
And ask our esteemed panel, Why are we alive? And here's how they replied:
You're what happens when two substances collide
And by all accounts you really should have died."
-Andrew Bird