Actually that doesn't have much info, but the December 2007 Repoert to Congress has a little.
Improving the availability of basic services such as electricity, water and healthcare to all Iraqis could help improve the public’s confidence in the government. During this reporting period, the GoI’s improvements in budget execution have translated into minimal advances in the delivery of essential services to the people of Iraq, mainly due to sectarian bias in targeting and execution of remedial programs. With the U.S. Govern-ment’s 2004 Iraq Relief and Reconstruction fund limited to deobligated funds authorized for reobligation and with significantly reduced appropriations for other reconstruction funding sources in 2008, Iraq will now be required to fund most future reconstruction projects.
So according to the Report to Congress not that much progress has occurred and that honestly, we are saying it will be up to Iraq to fund most future infrastructure.
You can read the full report
Immigration has been a problem
Since 1607!