Topic: If there is a God .. is there only 1?
Inactive Member
Message 2 of 29 (38706)
05-01-2003 11:47 PM
Read the latter part of Isaiah 44:8. Men can make a god out of anything, but(if you believe the Bible,which I do),there is only one God by nature.
Inactive Member
Message 4 of 29 (38728)
05-02-2003 1:56 AM
Notice the reference to each other god. It is lowercase god,lord,etc., infering that these (as I said before) were man made gods ( Baal, Ashteroth,Molech,etc).
Inactive Member
Message 6 of 29 (38732)
05-02-2003 2:47 AM
Read John 1:3 Any supernatural being came into existence by God. Read what happened in the contest between Elijah and the Baal worshipers. Anything a human exalts can be a god to that person. But it is not a god by nature. I believe that demons can manifest themselves, and when someone exalts them, they become, in the man-made sense, gods. The Bible excplicitly states there is only one all-powerful, supreme God.
Inactive Member
Message 9 of 29 (38781)
05-02-2003 2:40 PM
There are lots of places in the Bible where Israel didn't win, not in contests of who's God/god was supreme, but in battles with other nations.(And you will notice, it was always their fault, not God's). So history is not always written by the victors. Pamboli, I kind of get what you are saying. There may be other super natural beings, but they would of been created by God, although they would not hold the same power as he does. (angels,demons)
Inactive Member
Message 11 of 29 (38785)
05-02-2003 3:00 PM
I see what you mean there too, but I think that the Jewish people were always monotheistic.
Replies to this message: | | Message 17 by truthlover, posted 05-05-2003 8:31 PM | | amsmith986 has not replied | | Message 23 by Peter, posted 05-14-2003 6:35 AM | | amsmith986 has not replied |
Inactive Member
Message 12 of 29 (38792)
05-02-2003 4:08 PM
I see what you mean there too, but I think that the Jewish people were always monotheistic.
Inactive Member
Message 13 of 29 (38793)
05-02-2003 4:08 PM
I see what you mean there too, but I think that the Jewish people were always monotheistic.
Inactive Member
Message 14 of 29 (38796)
05-02-2003 4:11 PM
Ooops! Triple post!Sorry  .
Inactive Member
Message 18 of 29 (39038)
05-05-2003 9:40 PM
I figured I had a mistake even before you posted that, I forgot that Israel shifted between monotheism and polytheism several times in Judges, which God repeatedly had to judge them for.
Inactive Member
Message 19 of 29 (39039)
05-05-2003 10:02 PM
Could you clarify what you believe a little bit? I didn't quite get all you said. I looked up a link you set out, but I didn't get how that tied into there being more than One God/god. Do you pray to several Gods/gods?
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Inactive Member
Message 21 of 29 (39107)
05-06-2003 5:28 PM
What's a "typical" Christian?  Although the same name was used for the Canaanite god, this doesn't really show wether Melchizedek and Abraham believed in more than one God/god. Also,when you read the Bible through a few times,the recurring(sp?) picture is of one omnicsient,omnipresent,omnipotent God. It is important to take the Bible as a whole,in context, in order to get a glimpse of the nature of God.
Inactive Member
Message 22 of 29 (39113)
05-06-2003 6:06 PM
God may have been trying to communicate to Abraham on terms he would understand. Abraham came out of a polytheistic culture, and God may have been trying to show Abraham who he was by saying he was "God of all gods". It is quite probable that Abraham was polytheistic to begin with,but that does not change what the Bible,as a whole, shows us of the nature of God.
Replies to this message: | | Message 25 by Peter, posted 05-14-2003 6:55 AM | | amsmith986 has not replied |
Inactive Member
Message 28 of 29 (41986)
06-02-2003 11:42 PM
How does this reconcile with other portions of Scripture that refer to one supreme God?
Inactive Member
Message 29 of 29 (41988)
06-03-2003 12:12 AM
Reply to: Message 24 by Peter 05-14-2003 6:52 AM
Yeah, I guess that would be hard for someone who created the universe  . I honestly do not know exactly why He chose to use those methods, but I do know that "His thoughts are higher than my thoughts".
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