Not sure if anyone wants to help resurrect this thread (arach, jar), but after doing some reading recently I find how woefully ignorant I am of the apocrypha, etc.
So are many of us. It's really sad because a vast history is missing. We really know very little about the founding of Christianity. It's very much a mystery novel that ends without telling you who dunnit, and infact, only gives you hints of what was done.
For example, we know that Mary played a large and important role in the early church. But almost nothing has survived to tell us what part that was or why so little is known of it. We know that after the resurrection, a large body of Apostles were chosen and sent out. But that's all we know. We don't know their names, their missions or any results. Were Paul and Peter the only ones writing copious letters? Where are all the correspondence of the other Apostles?
I was wondering if there were any good timeline maps or spreadsheets sort of showing which books were used when starting with the Torah?
Unfortunately there are lots of them. The problem is that they often disagree and we are left to try to sort out the differences. But here are a couple good sources where you can start.
Start here for an overview of the World's Religions
and here for some books. While at this site be sure to read the Introduction to the First Book of Adam and Eve. It gives a marvelous insight to some of the problems inherent.
and this is a good introduction to the Kabbalah.
Aslan is not a Tame Lion