You guys are missing the link. You see, prophecies are supposed to be a mystery. They are not there to miff you, or be vague. When Christ says "many prophets have desired to see what you have seen", just exactly how large was christianity? Say?...It was tiny. So then, Christ said this knowing that only he and the prophet knew what was happening. Even the apostles had to have the parables interpreted remember, and didn't know what was happening at the time. People could discern the "face of the sky", but not "the times". You see, the purpose of prophecy isn't to please the man doing the "prophecy experiment". It is to show what God intends to do. Now it is also written, "A day to the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day". Again, it is written that "scoffers" will say "where is he" in the latter days.
You see, it is no surprise that christians have said, "he's coming" for two thousand years. Ofcourse they have, they were told to "watch". And so we watch. And many will desire to say "these are the last days", but few will say "I know the hour". Don't be so sensitive that we "watch" and even suggest it is the last days. We know little, we are neither the prophet nor the Christ.
Have the Jews ever said, "blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord"? I trow not, for they probably dare not mention his name in their own house. So you can't really say, "the christians said this would happen, and it didn't, so the bible's wrong". That's not logic. Logic is, that the christian was wrong. Do you hear me Loudmouth?