Originally posted by purpledawn
I did not see an "offer" that would disown the Jewish people because everyone or their leaders did not repent or did not believe that Jesus was the messiah.
Hi purpledawn,
Great synopsis.
According to the "prophetic" words of Ezekiel (Chapter 43 for instance), temple ritual and animal sacrifice would be going on even during the kingdom age under the rule of the messiah.
According to the writings of the Qumran documents (the War Scroll for instance), the messianic expectation of pious Jews living just prior to, and during, the 1st century AD was that a messiah would be appointed by YHWH who would vanquish all of Israel's enemies (Rome primarily) and make Jerusalem the ruling city of the world.
IMO then, the offer as it was understood by the apostles (and their followers) is that Jesus had been appointed as such a messiah (either at his baptism or upon his resurrection).
They expected that "any day now" this messiah would return and lead Israel to vanquish the enemies of YHWH and Israel (by the physical, bloody slaughter of the infidels).
At that time then, all those who had been believers and followers of this messiah (whether in Jerusalem or elsewhere) would be spared annihilation; i.e. they would be "saved".
Jerusalem would become the ruling center of the world under the reign of YHWH's appointed king (messiah). All of the survivors of the massacre all over the world would then understand that YHWH was the one God and that Jesus was his appointed king over the world.
And, in accordance with OT messianic prophecy, all the people in all the world would then make pilgrimages to Jerusalem to make their sacrifices to YHWH and view the dead, burning bodies of the infidels which would be stacked like cordwood in the valley ben Hinnom (Gehenna).
This was the (messianic) Jewish expectation and, IMO, the only "offer" the Jews ever conceived of.
The not-surprising truth of the matter, however, was that it didn't happen. In the real world, Judah was decimated because they provoked the very nation that the messianic Jews expected to subdue, i.e. Rome.
The Pauline Christians, off on a tangent of their own, extrapolated the concepts and terminology used by the apostles into something totally other. Hence, they are still waiting for Jesus to come and destroy some euphemistic "Rome".
That, IMO, is the only "offer" the Jews ever knew. The "offer" expounded by the Pauline Christians is an extrapolation, a "spinoff", which uses concepts and terminology that have been effectively divorced from their original intent and meaning.