Buzsaw writes:
Wherever did you get that notion?
Well, a creationist like yourself insist that the universe and everything we see in it was created in 6 days by the god of Abraham. ID, on the other hand, technically insist that the designer could have been aliens or flying spag monster.
Furthermore, ID has absolutely no problem with evolution. Evolution, in fact, is a large part of the intelligent design movement... and I know you are against evolution.
The theory of evolution states that the bush/tree of life starts out at the trunk or a common ancestor and through eons of evolution branches out into many parts of life. ID officially states that life began at different bases but then evolved to the variations we see today. In other words, ID officially believes in different beginnings for different taxa of life where evolution picked it up and created new species out of the various beginnings.
To simply put, the theory of evolution gives an image of one big gigantic bush. Intelligent Design gives an image of hundreds of small bushes. Creationism gives an image of millions upon millions of dots, each representing a different species.
I bet you didn't know that part about ID huh.
So, again, officially speaking anyway, ID is against every fibre of the creationist movement. I don't know how you can support ID when biblical evidence is contrary to ID. Oh, have I mentioned that ID officially believes in a very old and ancient Earth?