What you do in science is assume your opponent's proposal without reservations. After that you analyse all the logical implications and bring them into the extreme open for all to see.
One does not assume that a proposal in science is true. What we do is say something like "If A is correct, then we must see B and will not see C." Then we look for B and C and use that data to give us some idea if A is indeed correct. This can be called modeling or hypothesis testing.
This is the exact opposite of "assuming your opponent's proposal without reservations."
That is what the ID lot often do with your proposals and they succeed to make you cut a rather poor figure.
What the ID lot do is start with a conclusion (divine creation) and cherry-pick anything they can to support that conclusion, using a liberal dose of exaggeration, wishful thinking, ignorance of science, misrepresentation, fabrication, and outright lying. The lying part includes pretending that they are not the same folks who pushed creation "science" a few years earlier.
What you lot do instead is to keep propping up your own assumptions with equivocations and vague data. How stupid is that?
More likely with data.
As a scientist what use do I have for false data and errors? Science builds on a foundation going back to our beginnings, and half of our work is rooting out and correcting past errors, or expanding on existing theories to make them more accurate.
Creation science is the exact opposite; is it any wonder scientists have little use for it?
Edited by Coyote, : Correct improper formatting.
Religious belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge.