Dred Scott legislated the repeal of the Missouri Compromise ...
Yeah, declaring the legislation unconstitutional has a way of repealing it. Intentionally.
You are familiar with
Marbury v. Madison?
If you don't say (as the court didn't in Korematsu) that the other branches of the government have to live up to the law - fiat justitia ruat caelum - that is changing the law.
In another thread we had a religious gentleman whose twisted logic you emulate quite well.
If you interpret "public purpose" as meaning "for the benefit of a private property developer" (as the court did in Kelo) then you're rewriting the law with a bucket of whiteout and a fat Sharpie.
New London professed the belief that the development, though led by a private concern, benefited the economic growth of the whole town. A great public good and so a great public purpose. The court agreed. And cited ample precedent.
Your sharpie just went to Florida on Marine One.
... such a hornets nest was stirred up that abortion clinics are literally under siege (I found a list of six states that, as of 2019, had but one abortion clinic still open!)
Fat jstitia ruat clum
That issue is not the court's. It is the christians and the republicans. Take your complains to them.
Edited by AZPaul3, : No reason given.
Edited by AZPaul3, : No reason given.
Eschew obfuscation. Habituate elucidation.