Murphy writes:
I'll just accept that Cheney drank a whole beer a matter of seconds before being at one end of your line,...and that's why the lawyer he killed is suing him and attacking his poor hunting skills.
Ya know, I started this thread to point out a "few" errors in the story given to explain the shooting. The "he didn’t announce his return" nonsense is just that. Listen Murphy, I'm not sure why you are so upset with jar and his assessment of what Cheney did wrong. Honestly, I can't understand it. It's really quite simple in my book. I hunt a lot of different game animals... and one thing I never do is fire my weapon if I do not know where each and every member of my party is located. Why is that so difficult for you to understand? I have passed up numerous shots because I was not sure of what lay beyond my target, or if someone I was hunting with was not with us, or if I felt that taking the shot might be dangerous (weird angle, low target, etc).
Here’s something else to consider. The hunting party KNEW that Mr. Whittington had dropped back to recover a downed bird. There's absolutely no way Cheney, or anyone else in the group, should have pulled the trigger till they knew where the hell he was. Think about it...Cheney most certainly should have known that Mr. Whittington was behind him...that's where the friggen left him. Why then, did he follow the bird and shot in that direction? So, as jar has pointed out, Mr. Cheney broke a number of "rules" that resulted in this accident.
As far as I know, no one here is claiming that Cheney shot him on purpose...we're just saying that if Cheney had followed some basic rules of proper hunting, this whole mess would have been avoided.
And I won’t even mention that alcohol, stuff. Wait . yes I will. You never mix the two . never. I have never had a drink on the same day that I was going to hunting. No one I have hunted with has ever (at least not in my presence or that I was made aware of) had a drink on the same day that we were going to go hunting. It’s just a stupid and dangerous thing to do, so quit trying to justify it.
As for you ridiculous claim that if Bill Clinton had done this, it wouldn't have been an issue. Get real. The Republicans and the press would have hung him from a cherry tree down by the Potomac...and you know it. How short the Republican memory can be when it comes to the crap they put Clinton through (not that he didn't deserve much of it). But to claim that this poor administration is treated much more harshly than was Clinton's is a complete joke (and also off topic).