Reply to: Phat
1) The Second Dark Ages resulted from the Ecumenical Council of Amsterdam, in August 1948.
2) 128 Protestant denominations were added to the seven Old Catholic Churches, and Eastern Orthodox Churches, and Anglican Church.
3) The stated goal was, "Unity with the Pope." This was demonstrated by Billy Graham, in a television interview, when asked, "What was the greatest disappointment in your career?"; he answered without a blink, "The Pope would not join me." [Personally, I am thrilled that the Pope thinks the Ecumenical Movement unworthy of his company.]
4) Adolph Hitler, was, "The Defender of the Faith." In 1938, the Ecumenical Movement mailed out its Constitution to prospective members, planning to "ban the Bible worldwide in 1939."
5) But then, Jesus had promised a Millennium (1859-1959). Because of that Jesus sent Hitler to invade Europe, and turn it into a battlefield; and as a result "chasing the church doctors [Gog] out of Europe." Because of this, I was blessed to hear the Protestant interpretation of the Bible which is banned worldwide today.
6) I was taught, in 1943, "when the thousand years expires, Satan will be loosed from his prison [lake of fire - Rev 19.20]"; and this is in the future. In 1960, Gog came to town and seduced my family, friends, and congregation. Today, I know not a single man who believes in the living God of the Protestants, or in the Bible message of the Protestants. [However, I am extremely blessed, for my wife is a believer.]
7) The Bible message, from the beginning, is "separation from the world." A) The sons of Seth were to remain separated from the daughters of Cain; B) Israel was to remain separated from pagans; C) The Called-out (Ekklesia) was to remain separated from unbelievers; D) The Millennnium (I was there!) was separated from doctors, preachers, and creed-makers, and the traditions of man.
8) Jesus protects us by identifying our enemies. One of many examples is the craze over the Dead Sea Scrolls (only recently), which was condemned in First Timothy 4.1-3, "forbidding to marry"; which was the Essenes who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls, and died out, because of the lack of marriage. For 1850 years men knew to keep away from this filth. But now we are in the Second Dark Ages.
9) Paul wrote to Ephesus, "Everyone is out to get you!" (6.12-18). But you have mentioned the opinion that it is crazy to believe in God. In my lifetime, the Pope has banned the definition of, "The Dark Ages" in our dictionaries, because he is identified as "The Father of the Dark Ages." Our Bible translations grow steadily worse, which seems like an impossible feat, considering how bad the KJV is.
So then, this book you are discussing is partially right.