It was pretty amusing. My #1 daughter said Uruguay, and I immediately thought of Ukraine. However, I always wonder when I see these kinds of jokes - especially videos - how many people got some or all of the questions right but (since the authors were trying to make a point) didn't make it on film.
I wonder how many average-moron-on-the-street Europeans could get those right as well? Or wrong if we're careful on the editing? I'll bet any amount of money you'd care to name that I could go to a working-class district in Cleremont-Ferrand, France, or Newcastle (or Middle Thumbswitch-on-Tiddles or the equivalent) in the UK, or Sidney, for that matter, and find enough ignorant morons to fill an identical video.
Of course, a lot of the respondants in that video had southern accents. The author may actually have something there...