It is likely that once the actual process is better understood, we'll see this as the product of a designed mechanism rather than that of a chance mutation.
We are all still waiting with greedy anticipation for that evidence. And no I am not being sarcastic.
I side with those who suggest this is the work of an irreducibly
complex molecular system.
That is fine and I appreciate that. Just don't expect anyone else to be able to accept your belief system without evidence.
It's certainly not an area of science that is settled and without that the best evidence of mutations in the right-direction?
No it is just the one stands out the most in my mind. Others have been brought up on this forum many times. Hemoglobin type C is one, gentic resistance to cardio pulminary disease in certain individuals of particular italian decent is another good one. I would find the links to the threads for you if you like if I am still able to locate them. TO be honest you are the first one in a long time to drag up the whole, "No new information" argument. Maybe someone else can help me with the links if they still have easy access to them.
Of course, biblical creationists are committed to belief in God's written Word, the Bible, which forbids bearing false witness; --AIG (lest they forget)