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Infrared region came to be known by a scientist who was working with colors and temperature and accidentally found out a region beyond red being abnormal and showing different characteristics and later this region was to be known as infrared. This spectrum is powerful and has numerous applications like night vision goggles, thermography, and so on. The measuring of infrared rays emitted by a substance can help identifying what element or compound it is; thus, infrared plays a vital role in quantitative analysis too. To measure the amount of emission, we use either monochromatic light or an FTIR (Fourier transform Infrared spectrometer). Normal infrared spectrometer is useful enough to analyze substances but it is quite time consuming process while with an FTIR the work gets over easier. This type of spectroscopy involves the principle of placing the sample under observation and exposing it to active infrared radiations. If the frequency of the substance matches with the infrared emitted, the frequency is recorded and the element is classified according to the records present. Each element has its own frequency which has been noted through a series of experiments and recorded already. All you have to do is record the noted frequency from the infrared spectrophotometer and compare it with the existing records. The element with which the frequency matches is our target element and thus quantitative analysis is successfully completed using infrared.
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Edited by Admin, : Despam.