Please do not let your anger kill the productivity of the debate.
Definition of species is an interesting debate. Please allow this article to help you follow your point to fruition?
"The key changes are not in bits of DNA that humans acquired as they
evolved—extra genes that we have but chimps and other animals do
not—but in chunks of DNA that we lost. What’s more, the chunks in
question are not even genes at all, but sequences of DNA that lie in
between genes and act as switches, orchestrating when and where
specific genes are turned on and off through the course of an
animal’s development."
This is a 2011 article.
"The set-up allowed Kingsley and his colleagues to physically see
where the AR and GADD45G genes are switched on in mice and chimp
fetuses, and so what humans lack (Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature09774)."
keep your mind from this way of enquiry, for never will you show that not-being is