What I would be interested in learning more about is a mosquito that has developed a variation in it's sexorgans that will not allow it to mate with it's parent population. I couldn't remember what the name of it was nor where I saw reference to it.
This made me recall another example that you might be interested in reading about.
In short, there was a species of snail where the ones with right-handed spiralled shells were physically unable to mate with another with a left-handed spiralled shells. Scientists figured out that the handedness of the sprial came down to one gene and they could control it. I think they artificially caused a speciation even by genetically engineering a bunch of left-handed ones, or something like that....
you can read about it here:
and here:
The main reason I joined this forum is to learn about the reasons that scientists accept evolution.
This is a great site:
29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: The Scientific Case for Common Descent