I don't accept the time frame - could have been 15.756489347 seconds or a billions years - face it...they don't know.
As a cosmologist, you may be surprised to learn that I *DO* know. And I find it exceptionally insulting that someone with very little knowledge of this subject would claim suffcient expertise to announce what *I* happen to know or not know. You may want to curtail your arrogance before people start to see it as one of your defining characteristics...
This is way off topic for this thread, but surfice it to say that we have a century of theory, predictions, observations, and confirmations, not to mention tens of thousands of mathematical and cosmological experts and hundreds of thousands of scientific papers, plus billions of dollars of hardware to get to where we are now. And where we are now is not "could have been 15.756489347 seconds or a billions years - face it...they don't know."
Don't shout your ignorance, it may be catching...