This message is an example of what Singularity was talking about; the "moving bar". After having spent the time this weekend to research many links and messages both here and at the BB offered by Mr. John Paul, he is not going to win any converts here. I am more than surprised at the tenor and methods of the group of people espousing creationism or intelligent design. My group went through an extremely rigorous, step-by-step, and focused review by expert peers in elucidating the quantum roots of magnetism. Where do we find this rigor in the creation-oriented links provided to the Board? One example is the 47,000-mile tear in the Earth’s surface in a Sarfatti discussion. My personal compliments to the high level of rigor and patience in arguments presented by Professor Page and others in debating the case for evolution.
My unsolicited recommendation to the practical is as follows: Avoid becoming charmed by innuendo, manipulative phrasing, and suckered by rhetorical questions. Stick to a discussion of the facts, theories, or step-by-step process (theory as defined in the English language. See below.).
(the-o-ry (the-re, thire) the-o-ries. 1. Systematically organized knowledge applicable in a relatively wide variety of circumstances, especially a system of assumptions, accepted principles, and rules of procedure devised to analyze, predict, or otherwise explain the nature or behavior of a specified set of phenomena. Such knowledge or such a system. Late Latin theoria, from Greek, from theoros, spectator :, probably thea, a viewing + -oros, seeing.