jar writes:
I do believe that Jesus is GOD but while he was here on earth He was fully man, human, just like you, just like me.
I can accept the belief that Jesus had no power of his own, but only what God chose to use through Him.
jar writes:
Just as I believe that we must be honest about the great Evil that Christians have done in the past and that Christians are doing now, I believe we must also be honest about what the message was.
It is not that Christians are saved and everyone else is damned.
It is that GOD gave us in the life of Jesus a clear lesson of what a human should do, and more importantly, can do.
OK, great. So everyone starts out saved rather than damned. Its a free gift. Got it. Yet we still get judged by what we DO versus what we COULD have done? If so, I hope that God liberally applies grace and forgiveness. NONE of us will fully do what we could have done.
jar,in response to CatholicScientist writes:
We will all rise from the dead, and IMHO there really is some form of afterlife. No, we will not be here, He said we would be with Him, but I imagine that will seem as real to us as what we experience today.
The point of the story, IMHO, is not that we would return here but home, that the life after death will be one of substance, one of reality.
How do these beliefs square with the latest scientific theories on (get this)
not just a universe, but a potential multiverse. Sounds to me as if you believe that we humans will get to continue living, questioning, and growing
on our own.
An interesting belief.
Heaven does sound sort of juvenile, if a Creator needs a bunch of people praising Him and worshiping Him eternally. I cant take that as literal, (and yes, Iano and jaywill..I DID get saved, if that matters!
) but the problem I have with your beliefs, jar, is that you stress this notion of personal responsibility so adamantly. Whats gonna happen if everyone is someday fed and clothed? Are we supposed to jet through the multiverse collectively helping other civilizations?
jar writes:
Well, even if the whole Bible is no more than tales told around the campfire the message is still of value.
The SOURCE versus CONTENT argument makes sense to me. Even if GOD wrote the Bible, the content is more important than the idea that God wrote it.
jar writes:
IMHO the other thing that must be emphasized is that the Second Commandment is a two parter. Before you can love others you must first love yourself. Until you can honestly handle that part, look at yourself, recognizing what you have done right, what you have done wrong, how you might do better, you cannot love others.
Christianity is simple, it is not easy. Folk like the fundie televangelists such as Gene Scott, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and all the other salvation for hire snake-oil salesmen seem to misunderstand everything Jesus said. It's not the show. It's not dramatic. It's not even notable or important.
Loving GOD is not profession, not even belief, it is the summation of all the little things you are and do. Loving GOD is an action, a continuing practice. It is listening to a child tell you about his day or helping someone reach a package on the shelf or unload their shopping cart or laughing when your child first discovers jokes or bringing in the neighbors trash can. It's nothing big, nothing important, nothing of any real merit.
Yet the injustices of this world continue today as they have for many years. This gets back to the parables. Nobody wants to sacrifice their own comfort to help others. We as humans can easily give out of our abundance, and in fact seek abundance in order to feel secure. If God chooses to kill me for that, I cant argue with Her!
A note to current EvC members: Robin Rohan died a few years ago. Dont reply to him in this thread. It makes me think, though. I could die tomorrow. What would my life be remembered for? Would it matter? Would I be happy, sad, or simply non-existent?
'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less.'
Lewis Carroll
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Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important.~T.S.Eliot