robinrohan writes:
We are products of a mindless universe. We are here, hanging about, trying to figure out what it's all about, and then we come to understand that it's not about anything at all.
Beautiful! (The rest of your story as well.) You are a poet, Robin.
Faith writes:
I think RAZD is right, the other option is just living or just not thinking about it much.
I don't remember giving much thought to purpose in my life BC. There were things I liked to do and I tried to do them, and things I didn't like to do and I tried to avoid them, and things I knew I must do so I did them, and that was about it for purpose. Just following one's own inclinations isn't exactly finding a purpose is it? Or is it? Meaning is another thing, however. I did want meaning and couldn't find any of that either.
"My life BC"?? Come on Faith, I know you're not the youngest, but surely you can't be
that old?!
But seriously, that was a joy to read. I don't know why really. I mean, you're not saying anything particularly profound there, but yet the flow of your sentences makes them read like something out of the memoirs of a philosophical giant. Have you ever considered studying philosophy? I think you and Robin should pair up. You two would make a wonderful team writing philosophical poetic prose. Your writing, Robin's, and that of some of the others, is why I keep coming back to EvC. That, and the intellectually stimulating discussions.
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science." - Charles Darwin.