I have a question for those who believe the bible to be a literal account of events. (If it's in the wrong forum, or has been asked before, I apologize. I'm new.)
I'm assuming, and correct me if I'm wrong, that belief in the bible being literal comes from the idea that the bible is a direct account, straight from God's own mouth.
However, on a regular basis in the bible, God is killing people, smiting them, even turning one person into salt... in life we're told on a regular basis that if an innocent child dies, it's part of God's great ineffable plan, and not for us to understand. It's for the greater good somehow, even if we don't get it.
So is lying all that beneath him? Or using metaphor? Especially if a non-literal bible somehow serves the greater good, in ways we don't understand?
Why does the bible being the direct word of God necessarily mean that it is a
truthful word of God?
I don't mean this to say "Nyah nyah, your religion's full of crap!" I'm honestly curious as to how people arrive at their conclusions where faith is involved.
Dan Carroll