Also, there is no scientific evidence for evolution, so DON'T make that assumption!!!
I wonder what Mr. booboocruise would consider acceptable evidence. Going back in time in a time machine?
Charles Darwin (although a theologian) was not a Christian.
How could one have been a non-Christian theologian in 19th-cy. England? He certainly wasn't Jewish.
And his work was sober science. Before he published
Origin of Species, he published some huge tomes on (I'm dead serious) barnacles. What sort of theologian publishes huge tomes on barnacles? And later in his career, he wrote a big tome on orchids and how they fertilize themselves -- same comment there also.
Charles Lyell HATED creationism.
Actually, he was an old-earth creationist, something like Hugh Ross.
Enrst Mayr (a modern evolutionist at Harvard) is very close-minded about creation (I have his book sitting next to me.)
How is he supposed to be so close-minded?
You see, since the Bible goes against evolution, ...
The way it goes against the approximate sphericity of the Earth? And states that the sky is a bowl overhead with water above it?