Sorry Shraff. This reply should be to Newborn. There is a statement near the beginning of Genesis in which GOD created mankind in HIS IMAGE. If we suppose that "his image" really means, LIKE HIM, then we have reason to think God is also very much LIKE US. If that is the case, then it's no wonder God does some nasty things thru the rest of the Bible. He's just like us. We do nasty things sometimes and if you read your Bible without a religious bias that says 'God is Good', then you'll see that he does nasty things also. I write this to make a point, and that is this: you are reading and interpreting the Bible hoping that what it says all fits together nicely to confirm your christian beliefs about God. As I've shown above, one can read & see a very different sort of God in the Bible.
[This message has been edited by Prozacman, 10-20-2003]
[This message has been edited by Prozacman, 10-20-2003]