I suppose you have heard of Troy?
Yes, and I have also heard of Ulysses. Maybe we should assume that he really did sail home from Troy, that a sorceress turned his men into pigs, and he blinded a one-eyed giant.
I've also heard of Beowulf. Maybe he did kill a superhuman monster and died battling a dragon.
And I have heard of the Kushtaka, in the tales of Tlingit of South East Alaska. Maybe there really were people with arms growing forward out of their chests and whisker under their noses who would lure lost people to their homes under the sea.
Like you say, we assume many things when we hear these tales, faith plays a part here.
But, to be frank, I have trouble even considering the possibility that men turned into pigs, dragons existed, people had arms growing out of their chests, and that an entire nation of people walked through the Red Sea and lived off of magically appearing food for 40 years. These claims are a bit fantastic, and I would like to see some evidence before I consider the possibility.