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Author | Topic: Good Bible Prophecies List | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: Friend crashfrog, I'm definitely not expecting you to be convinced about Lazerus, nor would I be foolish enough to try. I have no documentation of proof for that. I'm sticking to things you can see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears -- things on your news screen and in your headlines yesterday and today. I merely used the Lazarus thing as an illustration to describe your response to documentable fulfillments of prophecy which I have cited. [This message has been edited by buzsaw, 05-17-2003]
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Ahh!! I just whopped the pesky jumpy little spider, so as to post in peace.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: If you want to view it that way, that's fine, but the fact remains that Judiasim was the first persecutor of the Christian church, first killing it's founder and then killing and persecuting his desciples and followers.
quote:There's some controversy about the exact year of his death. It likely was not exactly the year one as is indicated in our calendar, but close. quote: So what? That proves nothing for or against his ability to prophesy the event or when he died. Nobody's successfully refuted the account yet.
quote:. Same with the Biblical record. There's as much of this for Jesus as scores of other events/people you likely accept as authenic for that time or before. quote: The age of the gentile nations will, according to Jesus and the prophets end when messiah sets up world rule. I'm not asking you to accept or believe that. It's what he was referring to though, imo. I'll leave the rest up to you to figure out. My time is limited here. [This message has been edited by buzsaw, 05-17-2003]
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: Yupper Dude. Indeedy did I deliberately do dat dastardly deed. ![]() [This message has been edited by buzsaw, 05-17-2003]
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Schrafinator, I don't think I know enough about the conflict in Ireland to intelligently respond, nor do I think your questions has anything in particular to do with the subject of this thread pertaining to specific Bible prophecy. Likely you could teach me more about this situation than I can teach you, but this is not the place for that subject, imo. I'm trying to focus on specific documentable fulfilled Biblical prophecies here. If I think of something prophetically related to Ireland, I'll get back to you. Your implication that there's a lota politics related to it does make sense. My comment about Satan's religious activity was intended to finger his role as underlying influence in the legions of problems which some religious doctrines and religiouly inspired/motivated activities bring to the world.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: I've tried to tie each prophecy to specific plainly visible fulfillments. Anyone may challenge my specific statements as to accuracy or offer other views as to what the specified scripture references are saying. My suggestion is that you copy and paste specific statements I make which you have a problem with and refute my statements regarding these cited prophecies if you can do so. Your general non-specific comments such as in your post #44 don't cut it, imo, for an effective refutation of anything I've posted. Your arrows aren't yet piercing the armour of the factual stuff I've presented thus far.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: John, you and your friends keep on keeping on posting generalities. You're effectively refuting nothing I post. OK, you say 'a thousand things could fulfill it. So how about some sensible examples of how either the TV, or the Sky Angel could be fulfilled anywhere nearly as close to reality as the ones I've cited?
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Hideho. How's he gonna get all the folks around the planet to hear his shouts. GONG!!............Next...........
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: 1. You have two locations here in this text. The 144 thousand virgins are not angels. They are Jewish people, 12000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel. They appear on Mt Zion, the temple mount at Jerusalem. Whether they actually appear in heaven before Gods throne is unclear. It says where ever Christ the Lamb is they are with him. He and they are seen on Mt Zion which again is the Temple Mt. 2. The Greek word aggelon (angel) means messenger and though it usually refers to an angelic being, it can refer to another type of messenger. As for the satelite, words do emit from it as it flies through heaven. 3. The harpers are not identified. Likely they are angels in heaven. Bear in mind that the prophet John is on earth and sees these visions so in the vision, getting input both from heaven and earth is not a problem. 4. Jesus, when he returns to rule and reign will rule from Mt. Zion in Jerusalem. This is true Zionism. It is my personal belief that these 144000 will be there to administrate his kingdom and set it up, etc. It will last on earth 1000 years according to Revelation 20. This's how I see it. Others may have other ideas about it. That's fine. I'm airing it for what it's worth and you all can decide what you think.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: But when you see it happening now, why look for something else so unlikely?
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: Few have had the interest in prophecy compared to this generation, and the very few who actually believed it was so near didn't do their homework, because the prerequisite to all the rest is a restored Jerusalem and land of Palestine to the Jews. Much else has been unfulfilled or was incapable of being fulfilled until our generation. I don't believe it's imminent for a while, but Armageddon is not far off, imo.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Btw, for the record, Sky Angel is broadcasting in many languages and continually adding more.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote:So you don't object to the northern Islamic government in Sudan forcibly conscripting minors either?[/quote] I didn't say that, now, did I. The US and as I understand it, the SPLA do not practice the horrific stuff which the Muslim Central government is doing to the Christian South. Conscription, as you are likely aware simply means compulsory service. It can be humane and it can be brutal. Be fair now, sir.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
Thanks to those who have taken the time to present information concerning the Sudanese conflict. I'm beginning to see that it is somewhat more complicated than I've understood it. That is not to say I'm convinced that the attrocities are equally brutal on both sides, for I'm still quite sure that that's just not the case. I will continue to follow this and learn as much as I can as to what's going on there.
Buzsaw Inactive Member |
quote: That's fine, sir. I have some more prophecies to talk about sometime, but I'll open another thread when I'm ready. Thanks, and many thanks to all who made the thread an interesting and challenging one. Hopefully we've all learned something in it. [This message has been edited by buzsaw, 05-20-2003]
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