Look, this is the theme of the bible.
1. God creates the world.
2. God makes people and gives them paradise.
3. They disobey god.
4. They spiritualy die (they now have a sinful spirit)
5. The human race is now sinfull.
6. As a picture of jesus sacrifice in the future as a substitue for the punisment of their sin they had to kill an animal and shed it's blood on an alter.
7. They would be forgiven.
8. The world grew horrible.
9. God destroyed and renewed it.
10. People wait for the messiah and claim he isn't coming.
11. Jesus came and paid the price for sin.
12. People ask jesus to forgive them of their sins and are saved, others goto hell.
13. People continously say that it's the end.
14. People stop and assume he is never coming and other things appear to be true.
15. All of a sudden, Jesus comes back and everyone is in big trouble.
Now, were are those contradictions. I know alot of them that people say and they HAVE been explained. For example, the one about jesus on the cross when he said something to a theif had a contridiction but had a simple answer that was in the bible.