Although I was pretty much brainwashed (hehe) from a child to believe in God, I still asked questions and had lots of doubts. I still have doubts today about lots of issues with creation/evolution, mainly due to a lack on knowledge, which I believe is the reason the whole creation/evolution debate still goes on: and will do till the end of time. However one thing I know for sure is I made the decision to follow Jesus on my own accord, not just cos' it was the done thing in my family.
There is such a thing called faith and I adore it. I cannot prove it but I can feel it, sence it and dwell in it. It's like Love. Have you ever fallen in love? You can't prove your love for someone with facts, you just know. I know God is real, not a myth. I just take a step back and look at the big picture and realise.
Oh yeh and these guys have helped out heaps too!
| Answers in Genesis
[This message has been edited by Spud, 05-14-2003]