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Author Topic:   why do you believe ?
Inactive Member

Message 14 of 40 (40260)
05-15-2003 1:23 PM
Reply to: Message 13 by Peter
05-15-2003 5:43 AM

I've never really understood this fear of death thing.
I believe that the fear of death in humans is proof that we have an inner spirit, soul, and conscience. No other species on the earth has the fear of death or is concerned with it, they survive by avoiding it through instinct, and not all are successful even at that. We see where in some species that one of a mating pair is killed directly after mating, therefore proof of no consciencness of death or fear of it in other species. As I said, other species will avoid death through instincts, however they will not, as some humans do, have a nervous breakdown over, or be consumed by, the fear of it.
Why do most humans have a fear of death? It's because we have been given the ability to "know"(to understand things and have a conscience). Know what? To know that life is awesome and must surely have a purpose and have been given meaning by something or somebody. The fear of death I belive is developed in the conscience as a result of a belief that there is a purpose to life in all its awesomeness. And to die without finding that purpose brings great fear to some, thinking that they may have missed out on, misunderstood, or even somehow went against that very purpose. Without a doubt, the foundation for evolution IS Nilallism( Nothing working on nothing by nothing, through nothing, for nothing, produced everything) and it is an extremely hard foundation to swallow and very difficult for the human mind to accept, in that it gives absoluetly no purpose to life. Knowing the mechanisms of life is interesting , however it pales in comparison to knowing the purpose of life. The purpose of this life extraodinaire is what the human spirit, soul, and conscience craves to know, and until it is found by those who seek it, the fear of death will always manifest itself in our species. Some would also describe this fear as not of death, but of losing life. Life is what we know and to lose what we know to an unknown brings fear to some. If one can find the purpose to life then it makes the unknown known and therefore fear is no longer neccessary. Of course, if one is unconcerned with or does not believe there is a purpose to life, for their entire life, they have no need to fear death either, or do they? I guess it all depends what the purpose to life is, if there is one. I believe there is a purpose.
Your absolutely correct that there is no need to fear death itself, as it is a fact. But what if there is a purpose for death? should we fear that purpose? Is death a part of the purpose of life? Is death a true part of the mechanism of life ? If so, what directed the time frame for this mechanism? How is it possible for life to begin on its own from nothing knowing death was inevitable? Why and how could it do such a thing? Is it even possible? Since the universe and all species crave and fight to live, whats up with this death mechanism?
Can there be any logic to nothing becoming something becoming death becoming nothing again? From an evolution standpoint, no.
From a creation standpoint, yes. Thats why I belive the way I do.
Respectfully, Paul

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 Message 13 by Peter, posted 05-15-2003 5:43 AM Peter has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 15 by crashfrog, posted 05-15-2003 1:29 PM Paul has not replied
 Message 17 by zephyr, posted 05-15-2003 2:06 PM Paul has replied
 Message 29 by Peter, posted 05-16-2003 7:14 AM Paul has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 20 of 40 (40320)
05-15-2003 8:43 PM
Reply to: Message 17 by zephyr
05-15-2003 2:06 PM

Without a doubt, the foundation for evolution IS Nilallism( Nothing working on nothing by nothing, through nothing, for nothing, produced everything) and it is an extremely hard foundation to swallow and very difficult for the human mind to accept, in that it gives absoluetly no purpose to life.
Besides relying on a concept of evolution that most would never agree with
Nilallism is not a concept of evolution. Naturalism to be true, requires this belief to be a foundational fact regarding origins, and one in which evolution quietly and reluctantly has to root itself into.
Conclusional feelings are irrelevant to purpose. There's either a purpose to something or there isn't and my feelings change nothing with that regard. This thread is on belief and my belief is existance with purpose with my reasons given within it. Logical to you or not, it's my belief.
Respectfully, Paul.

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 Message 17 by zephyr, posted 05-15-2003 2:06 PM zephyr has not replied

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