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Author Topic:   What if you have never heard of God, Jesus, or the Holy Bible?
Inactive Member

Message 64 of 90 (45338)
07-07-2003 11:14 PM
Reply to: Message 63 by DBlevins
07-01-2003 6:47 AM

To Answer this Matter
Well after observing what most people have written I have come to the conclusion that no one has really anwered logically the question raised in the first instance. Which being in my own words "If you have not heard about Christ do you go to hell?, or better yet if you are a child and you die do you go to hell?" Well to answer this I believe we must first answer another question; What causes a person to go to hell? Biblically the only answer to this question whether literally, figuratively or whatever, is; by one dilieberately rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior (note: this is whether done directly or indirectly), and we see this in all of the Gospels (John 3:16 is probably the most famous verse)
Now first of all a child cannot reject Christ diliberately because they do not know the basis of why they must accept Christ. They do not know how to activate there conscience and believe in Christ and therefore they are exempted from this in what biblical theologens call "the age of innocense", it is debated when this age ends and no one can put there finger on it. I guess that is where God the judge comes in. Most people base there belief of this on the story of David and the death of his son. The Bible says that David will one day see his dead son again, and most if not all interpret this as being in heaven. Now in regards to the question; if you have not heard the Gospel or about Jesus etc. than why do you deserve to go to hell? Well in the Bible in Romans 1, it is devoted to answering this question. Such statements as "That which is known of God", "God has shown it to them", "For the invisible things of God are seen in his creation", "so that they are without excuse", "When they knew God they Glorified him not as God", "worshipped the creature more than the creator". You see every single human being whether Gnostic, Atheist, Christian, Hindi or whatever, has some sort of knowledge of a higher being. This is proven as evidence of tribes recently found in the jungles of the Amazon who all worshipped an Idol God. You see all of us understand that we have a higher being, what has happend is many of us have changed the uncorruptible God into an image made unto corruptible man and therefore have moved away from the truth of God the Father and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. The bible teaches that if people are truly seeking God then it is God's obligation to send someone there way. Therefore that is where missionaries come into play. How did the Gospel get to America, Australia, India, China? because men and women answered God's calling to go and preach the Gospel to every creature. You see if every single Christian follower took the Gospel to the world than everyone would hear it and therefore would be confronted to accept or to reject. So to conclude children do not go to hell but if you are at an age where you can activate your conscience and you do not accept Christ as your Savior then yes you would go to hell
[This message has been edited by Souljah1, 07-07-2003]

This message is a reply to:
 Message 63 by DBlevins, posted 07-01-2003 6:47 AM DBlevins has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 65 by nator, posted 07-08-2003 11:04 AM Souljah1 has replied

Inactive Member

Message 66 of 90 (45423)
07-08-2003 6:51 PM
Reply to: Message 65 by nator
07-08-2003 11:04 AM

Re: To Answer this Matter
Well Schrafinator you brought up some interesting points in your reply. And to respond I would like you to answer a few questions and would be interested in your answers or anyone else's for that matter.
You claim to be an agnostic: Define for me an Agnostic?
An Agnostic is just an Athiest who compromises between Theism and Theology, or could you better explain your difinition. Or should I say in brief "One who is too confused to believe in either God or No-God" You see at the end of the day if there is not one true God, and one true way to know him than does that not make us all agnostics trying to create our own God or whatever else we would like to worship? If nothing at all.
Another Question:
How many different races are there?
Your answer to this question at first might be hundreds, but the fact is there is only one - The human race, made up of different cultures but scientifically proven to have come from one set of DNA.(And you thought Science disproved biblical events)
You said you could not understand why some one who has murdered and raped and then accepts Christ as their Personal Savior should get to go to heaven, but someone who hasnt and lives a good life doesn't.
well answer this
How Good is Good enough?
Another Question:
If you think about killing someone but dont actually kill them, does this change what is already brewing in your heart?
Another Question:
Define for me Christianity in it's biblical sence? Not according to the experiences you have had of so called Christians.(Mormans, jehovah's, Baptist etc.)
Just because a missionary claims they are a missionary does this mean God has sent them? Remembering the Bible says "by their fruits you will know them"
Now to answer your questions.
what has happend is many of us have changed the uncorruptible God into an image made unto corruptible man and therefore have moved away from the truth of God the Father and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.
Um what the heck does this mean?
It means that through the ages even in the times of Moses people have chosen to glory in an idol or something they can worship that they can see. For example the Israelites who made the golden calf. The Hindi religions who have made statues and even Catholics who worship the statue of Mary and so on. The Bible says people have made there own images of God.
The bible teaches that if people are truly seeking God then it is God's obligation to send someone there way. Therefore that is where missionaries come into play.
I find missionaries arrogant and annoying
And to be honest Schrafinator I do to. But all I am saying is that in order for people to hear the Gospel, someone needs to be sent to tell them and if everybody God called to be a missionary actually went then all would hear one way or another. And in our day and age if there is a group they truly seek to know God, there are plenty of means where this can happen.
I agree with you Schrafinator that there are so many different types of Christianity and therefore who to believe? Well if this helps I found that Christianity is soley based on the Bible if there is any extra or any less to whatever denomination than it is not biblical Christianity. You see this word has been stereo-typed so much even to the point where it does not actually reflect what it means. And to this I say I follow Christ according to the Holy Bible, not according to it's worldly interpretation.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 65 by nator, posted 07-08-2003 11:04 AM nator has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 67 by crashfrog, posted 07-08-2003 7:46 PM Souljah1 has not replied
 Message 82 by nator, posted 07-10-2003 11:55 PM Souljah1 has not replied

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