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Author Topic:   What if you have never heard of God, Jesus, or the Holy Bible?
Member (Idle past 2630 days)
Posts: 1783
From: Wisconsin, USA
Joined: 05-10-2003

Message 59 of 90 (44634)
06-29-2003 11:03 PM
Reply to: Message 58 by zephyr
06-28-2003 5:29 PM

I too went through years of internal conflict with my beliefs. I was a "believer" for many years. Other than the initial feelings of belonging that accounted for my baptism at the age of 15 after a summer of revival meetings, I never could quite figure out what everyone else was supposedly feeling. I always felt that it was something wrong with me that I couldn't feel this too. I attended and participated in church services at least twice a week, belonged to a very active youth group, attended all the extra church meetings, read all the literature that was recommended to me to supplement my bible studies. I felt more alone in my years of belief than I ever have since.
In later years, after talks to friends that had gone through the same kind of things I had, I figured out that most of those that I "thought" were feelings all these feelings of being blessed were just mouthing the words, just like I had. They felt no more from god then I did. If they had at anytime felt anything, they attributed it to a mild brain washing rather then any descent of a holy spirit. We knew what was expected of us as far as feelings and saying the right things, we just didn't actually feel anything.
I am happier now then I ever was then, I am responsible for my character and my values. I answer to myself for my good points AND my bad.
(Oh, and I know many children younger than five who having been brought up in a christian home, know exactly what to say about Jesus and god. Children, who at a very young age had already heard the stories about Jesus taking you to heaven after you die, a Jesus who will meet you on the other side.)
"An unexamined life is not worth living" Socrates via Plato
edited for spelling errors
[This message has been edited by Asgara, 06-29-2003]

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 Message 58 by zephyr, posted 06-28-2003 5:29 PM zephyr has not replied

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 Message 60 by nator, posted 06-30-2003 9:14 AM Asgara has not replied

Member (Idle past 2630 days)
Posts: 1783
From: Wisconsin, USA
Joined: 05-10-2003

Message 75 of 90 (45558)
07-09-2003 8:22 PM
Reply to: Message 74 by Spud
07-09-2003 7:28 PM

Hi all,
I'm not presuming to answer for Crash, but I would like to make a few comments.
Believing what you want despite the evidence is not generally a technique used by anyone but Creationists.
Hehe I don't think so. You've said so yourself you are open to the fact that you could be wrong. You would have to have ALL the evidence and knowledge in the universe not just some of it. You would have to know everything in order to state something like that, which I can assure you, you don't.
What is your belief anyway crashfrog? I presume you are an athiest/evolutionist but when you keep asking for evidence on God saying you will believe in God if there is evidence, you come across as someone undecided. Atm you tag along next to evolution, but if something better with more evidence comes along you'll follow that??
Saying that you are open to the fact that you may be wrong is NOT believing in SPITE of the evidence. It is following where the evidence leads...that is part of the scientific method. I am pretty sure that if "incontrovertable" evidence for the existance of God came up, most here would then "believe".
As far as "tagging along next to evolution", this is one of the most tested and evidence based theories out there. The evidence comes from multiple disciplines. One of the great things about science is its willingness to change to meet this evidence. If all the evidence in science pointed in the opposite direction from evolution, most here would not accept the theory. I don't think its a matter of being "undecided" as much as the idea that if evidence came in to overturn or change your ideas, one should be willing to follow the evidence and not your beliefs.
I also hope you are not equating atheism and evolution as many here are believers in God and still accept the TOE.
"An unexamined life is not worth living" Socrates via Plato

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 Message 74 by Spud, posted 07-09-2003 7:28 PM Spud has not replied

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