7) The Fall however, which explains it through the sin of human beings acting in free will, accounts for it well, and exonerates God.
This is the point on which the dispute hangs. If one accepts this point it does for that individual exonerate God from the previous charges.
Free will seems to be a device to shift blame from God to Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve are responsible not God.
But I among other remain unconvinced. You among other are convinced.
Would responsible human parents leave children alone with say a loaded pistol?
I find no evidence except the Genesis story that there was ever an Adam or Garden of Eden. But let's say there was. My question; was God a responsible parent in leaving Adam unsupervised around such a dangerous tree?
I work with children and supervision is a very important aspect of rearing children. If anything the story of the Fall shows Jehovah to have been a negligent parent and not very skillful or aware of his responsibilities. In that story I find Jehovah guilty of irresponsible parenting to wit failing to adequately supervise his charges.