Greetings senior Hambre,(go sox btw)
You raise a good point. Doe religious fanaticism set up the mind set of "US against them." And in doing so does it contribute to the intolerance you speak of? I do not think it is a cut and dry issue. I have seen various degrees of religous ferver and some displays were benign and some down right scary. David Koresh is a perfect example of how this phenomenon can sweep through a group of people who are conditioned from birth many of them to submit and follow without question. Unfortunate that some people have nothing else in they're lives and must find solace in the den of one who would abuse this power. A woman in a Dallas suburb last year stoned two of her children to death because of religous mania. The year before that another woman here in Texas drowned all of her children in the name of God. I do not believe there is a connection between insanity and very religous people. I just think religion can be a perfect catalyst for behavior that crosses the line into insanity. Anyways thats my 2 cents worth. Be well. Edit to change the to a.
This message has been edited by 1.61803, 10-28-2004 09:41 PM