grace2u writes:
This is not a circular argument since a good God is one of the presuppositions of the Christian view of God.
So if it is a presupposition of the entirity of Christendom that the Tetragrammaton is a good God then that would make this perception man made.
grace2u writes:
This assumption of a good God is evidenced as well as pre-supposed.
Evidenced? Presupposed? Man made?
grace2u writes:
This assumption is made in the same way an atheist pre-supposes the laws of logic, or science are valid even thought they have never been proven appart from using a curcular argument. (using logic to prove the laws of logic are true).
The idea of logic is tangible and real but however the idea of God is imaginative.
grace2u writes:
The very fact that one would ask how that can be just, provides proof of Christianity. Given that it presupposes Christianity since it implies that there is some type of injustice possible in the world. "How can a loving God do this or that?" In an atheistic view of the world the most haneous crime imaginable would still not be wrong since there is no such thing as a universal right or wrong. Evil/right/wrong do not make sense in a world apart from Christ, who is the standard of goodness. He is that by which we attempt to compare everything else to. Again, presupposed as well as evidenced.
If you assume that the Tetragrammaton is "a real God" but, frankly, the Tetragrammaton seems imaginative.
Thank you