Thankyou for quoting your original point because I didnot get a chance to read it.(I'm hurried for time.) Yes your ref.:Job 19:25-26 does appear to prove that Job was at least contemplating an afterlife. After reading thru Job myself(up to chapter 15), I also came to that conclusion. The proof is in the magnificent poetry of Job 14, where Job is openly questioning his God about about rising from Sheol(the grave) into another life! See 14:14 for instance.
However, Job was not strictly a Jew, although he may be an ancestor of the Jews(my speculation). According to the intro. to Job and notes on pp.625-626 of my New Oxford Annotated Bible, Job was a foriegner from the land of "Uz", and the name of his god was "Eloah", not YHWH the Jewish god. But, maybe the two gods were combined at a later date when the Jews came into the land.What do you think? Eloah at the very least sounds like "Elohim" of Genesis 1. And since Job was thinking about an afterlife, it is interesting how much better he hopes it to be compared to the miserable condition he was in. He never seems to mention hell as a place of punishment. Perhaps he figured that life on earth was hell enough. What do you say?
[This message has been edited by Prozacman, 11-13-2003]