Oh LOL. WOHAAArAAAwoARhahahahahWOOahahahahahahehehahoagh. Good point. Religious folk do spend a lot of time thinking about themselves. It’s in the nature of religion.
See, I guess the problem I have here is that over three million people have died in the Congo over the past several years, but God stepped in to prevent you from getting spam.
The world is so absolutely amazing, so moving, and so completely beyond the comprehension of a puny human mind, it is no wonder that we have invented religion. And we might still have to rely on religion, if it wasn’t for the steady progress of science. The time of religion is coming to and end. It remains, like war and poverty, a part of an uncivilised past that we MUST throw away to better ourselves. It is for a love of people and the natural world that I have come to this conclusion.