I agree with Phatboy, although he is able to express himself a lot better than me.
I to was addicted to drugs, when younger. The drugs may have been different than phatboys, and the reasons different. But I can see how believing in God and drugs are completely different to each other. I have survived with drugs, without them, and with and without God. Doing or not doing one or the other, has nothing to do with my survival on this planet. I survive by working my little but off, and providing for my 5 kids.
Also from the OS parasomnium quotes schraf:
"However, let me qualify that by saying that logical thinking is not at all natural for humans. Human biases and thought errors and communal reinforcements are what enabeled us to survive early in our existence."
I can't see how this has changed at all in modern times. Everything is the same as it always was. The core principals, and morals remain the same, just the circumstance may have changed. What we claim as logical thinking can be only relative to the present.