At the beginning of the book of Wisdom, it is stated clearly that the secret or access to immortality has been kept hidden because men and their wicked religions have rejected immortality. And according to the book of Wisdom, they do reject immortality whenever it is stated that the Human body was made to die. And they with their religions are lying whenever they say that everything changed after the alleged fall of man.
The truth is that immortality is not just in the past. The truth is that the past and the paradise at the beginning of Genesis still exist, if you see it from an eternal perspective, which means that we still can reverse the bad conditions or incompatible food that we impose to our bodies; because immortality, as it is mentioned at the beginning of Genesis, can’t be forgotten or lost in the past. The secret of Yhwh or the access to immortality is still in paradise, in the writings at the beginning of Genesis.
It is very easy to promise them eternal life after they die, that is what the religions do, so they will not be willing to search for the real immortality from the source, at the beginning of Genesis.
Another evidence that the sacrificial religion is evil.
Any religion that celebrates or consents to a sacrifice that kills a firstborn is still evil.
Anything telling you not the truth, saying a price with innocent blood was required, without saying who required it. It just says that the price was paid for You or anyone who would consent that an innocent should die in his place.
Righteousness has nothing to do with believing. Nobody is judged for their belief.
The truth is that the World has been deceived, the World has been convinced to accept or participate as beneficiaries from the sacrifice that kills an innocent, or first-born, in exchange for salvation, instead of telling the truth, that all You needs is: "forgive all people and You'll be forgiven; share goods with others, and tell no lies".
When someone has debts then he runs away to the church, rather than forgive, share goods with others and tell no lies. And he's so committed to believing and not knowing or facing the truth, and he's so scared of the devil that he seeks to hide in the church, which is precisely the place where the devil's throne is because the devil's throne was left for the beast. And the ministry of the beast or false prophet is to keep the right ones out, and let the wrong ones in.
At this time all pastors and bishops, every father of the churches and all the ministry of Christianity, they are all working for the god of nations, the father of the beliefs or lies, the devil.
Another evidence that religion is evil and all things they say about immortality is a lie.
The statement that someone would have to die for your sins because everybody would have died is the opposite of the truth. Because the bible was reversed to the other way round, and it was made like a mirror by Righteousness herself. The bible was tainted and severely polluted with demonic proposals and the devil's religiosities that were left to the ancient Roman religion, e.g. the demonic proposal of you accepting to have a gain or profit from a sacrifice that kills a first-born, or an innocent person, when you know that killing or sacrificing a person in exchange for forgiveness is of the devil. Where the term "redemptione" came from ...
Do You know redemption means payment (to the demon) ... That is why it is evident that the truth has been camouflaged in the book called the bible, and the bible became the opposite of the actual words of righteousness. Because the World should be proved. (Book of the prophet Daniel says "those with understanding shall know the truth and they will shine with the splendor of the sky ...".
Edited by celestialGyoud, : update
Edited by celestialGyoud, : update
Edited by celestialGyoud, : update
Edited by celestialGyoud, : No reason given.