I put this in free for all because this is something a little different, so here it goes:
I haven't written on here in a long time because it's been revealed to me through a number of circumstances in the past few months that spirituality isn't something that you can debate for or against scientifically, and yet it's not JUST something you 'feel in your soul', either.
This is not a slap in the face toward scientists doing their thing, it's just that you can't disprove something outside the laws of space and time with methods that require repeatability within these laws. Somebody (I think it was Adminasgara) pointed out that asking someone to outright disprove omnipotent existence was like disproving an intangible purple monkey in our cerebral cortex, in other words you can't prove a negative. I agree. ON THE OTHER HAND, I've got a little something to say to Creationists (Not Christian theists, there's a difference)
Just as God can't be disproven by these means, you can't prove His existence to people who wish to use these means to help them understand the reality we live in. Apologetics can be fun for both sides if you keep your cool, but that's the problem with it: Creationists are supposed to be trying to 'convert' their opponents, basically. Now, say a Creationist pulls a wildcard fact that just blows away the competing Evolutionist. THAT WONT MAKE ANYBODY SEE THE LIGHT, JUNIOR! What it will in fact do is make them think 'That was a good point, gotta research and beat it'. It'll just make them rally stronger against it, which is exactly what you do when someone gains ground on you in a debate. It's neither side's fault, but conversion in my experience(including my own) has nothing to do with evidence, but of mercy and kindness and all that stuff that people think is nowhere to be found. Kindness can surprise and change people, but cold hard evidence won't.
IN SUMMARY (I know I ramble way too much)
I challenge any Creationists who honestly believe they can show people the Light through evidence and debate as opposed to the love and charity that is undeniable fading from this world to prove their efforts legit. Keep in mind that just proving the Bible's accuracy would still leave us believing in nothing but a history book.


Wanna feel God? Step onto the wrestling mat and you'd be crazy to deny the uplifting spirit.