There are two main models of how the Universe came into exsistance. The one most of you dandies out there believe is the big bang/evolutionary model
I do hope you aren't lumping the ToE, which is a theory of Biology, with the Big Bang, which is a theory of Cosmology.
They are quite unrelated.
and the other is the Creationism model.
Um, which Creationism model?
Creationists have never reached any consensus because there are dozens and dozens of various interpretations of various sects of Christianity.
Now you have to understand. Niether of them is science!! Science is repeatable.
Science is not repeatable.
Observations of the evidence must be repeatable, not the event itself.
When you repeat the big bang, then I'll give it some consideration as science. Till then, it isn't.
By your definition, science is unable to conclude that Pompeii was destroyed by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius because we can't repeat the event.
Same goes for creation, but we don't mind admiting it.
Fine, then, you admit that Creationism isn't scientific.